By Annie Rosello ‘94
Development Officer

Marius and Mildred PéladeauDecades ago, during the peak of their professional years, Marius ’56 and Mildred Péladeau of Readfield, Maine, decided that making a substantial gift to Saint Michael’s through their will would perpetuate their love of learning with future generations of students and secure their own legacy for years to come.

Marius always appreciated the education he received at Saint Michael’s, as it was the first stop on his impressive journey through higher education and beyond.

After graduating from Saint Michael’s, Marius earned master’s degrees from Boston University and Georgetown and penned or contributed to no less than ten books and thousands of scholarly articles and monographs with subjects as varied as artists, poets, architecture, antiques, Maine history and Vermont’s role in the Civil War.

Marius’s career was that of a true Renaissance man. A one-time reporter for the Burlington Daily News and the Lewiston Daily Sun, he served as press secretary for U.S. Congressman Joseph Vigorito during the Kennedy Administration. He worked with the National Park Service, the Order of the Cincinnati, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Returning to Maine in 1972, he served as Director of the Maine League of Historical Societies and Museums and was later Director of the Farnsworth Art Museum. He was active in the conservation and restoration of the Union Meeting Hall in Readfield and completed a book about it just days before his passing.

Mildred was an expert and author on the history of rug hooking in Maine, lecturing at the American Folk Art Museum in New York City and writing the catalog for the American Textile History Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts. Both Mildred and Marius took great joy in their love of scholarship, history, art, and antiquities.

Marius was pleased with the education that he received at Saint Michael’s and especially admired professors Jeremiah Durick and John Donahue. He enjoyed his time on campus and retained fond memories throughout his life.

When it came time to draft their estate documents, the Péladeaus decided to honor their love of learning by making a significant gift to Saint Michael’s, the place that served as the foundation for Marius’s long and fascinating career. Mildred died in 2017, and Marius passed away in 2022.

After working with the executor of the Péladeaus's estate, Saint Michael’s received a $250,000 gift to the Saint Michael’s. Fund, which may be used at the discretion of the Board of Trustees for the benefit of today’s Purple Knights. The Péladeaus's generosity leaves a lasting legacy on our campus; we give thanks for their extraordinary lives.

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